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A dead man on my bed

A dead man on my bed


A Brazilian yuppie, called Maxwell da Silva, woke up on a nice day, after having slept completely stoned the previous night and saw a strange man laid on his bed.The man was simply dead. The defunct was a politician apparently involved with suspicious businesses in Brasília, capital of Brazil and a place where successive scandals implicating congressmen, businessmen – mainly builders, bankers and admen -, political party representatives and workers unions always happen. Paradoxically, Maxwell did not worry about this delicate matter. He got preoccupied with gossips "what people would say about it? Me, involved with an old and strange man? Probably, they will say that I am a closeted man. My reputation, etc" Then, he took the wrong decision of burying the dead man. Thence, odd, jumbled, weird, funny things started to happen. Comings and goings. Too manymistakes. Putting it shortly, he did not get to bury this man. He… died, after a car crash. So, something unexpected happened… An ellipse. The dead man unexpectedly revived. Yes, the dead politician acquired the life again and acquired a new friend too. Maxwell, now, is the dead man of the story. "What to do with this deceased?" First question shot by the reborn fat disgusting unbearable despicable man, who starts to act in similar way of his ancestor adding that bad character, with predisposition to swindle, cheat, trick and others politically improper verbs. Mindful of bribes, the opulent politician begins to take – indiscriminately – actions to set himself free of that encumbrance. Bucks, confusions and fumbles flooded on the story thenceforth. The final is apparently predictable. Apparently! The smart reader will not think this way. A Brazilian story, of course. Unpredictable.