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La course-poursuite des Loups gris

La course-poursuite des Loups gris


Johnny Maverick et ses amis jouent dans l'équipe de hockey des Loups gris à Gaston. Tom Morgan est nouveau en ville. C'est un très bon joueur, mais pas vraiment un bon coéquipier. Johnny parviendra-t-il &amp;#224 lui démontrer que l'esprit d'équipe est toujours récompensé? <br><br>Johnny Maverick and his friends play for the Timberwolves peewee hockey team in the small town of Howling. Tom Morgan has just moved from Montreal and is a talented player. Tom is also very competitive and seems determined to pick on Stu Duncan, who is slightly overweight.<br><br>When Johnny suggests a race between Tom and Stu, Tom eagerly accepts. Stu is reluctant, but Johnny convinces him to trust his best friend's advice. On race day Tom is surprised by both the race and its outcome and learns that teamwork pays off.