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The Dawn of Love

The Dawn of Love


Handsome, popular and much in demand in the Social world, Alstone, Duke of Windlemere is bored with life and, seeking entertainment he is drawn into a foolhardy wager with his friend Sir Hugo Benson. The bet concerns whether they can successfully replicate the experiment in Shaw’s Pygmalion in which Eliza Doolittle is trained to pass as a ‘lady’ in Society.Unbeknown to her, Sir Hugo’s niece, the beautiful, innocent orphan Lorena – whom he summons from her French Convent school. On arrival with her uncle at the Duke’s palatial family home, Mere, Lorena is overawed by her surroundings and by the dashing Duke. And for his part, the Duke is captivated by Lorena’s intelligence, honesty and loveliness. Not only is this young capable, it seems, of being accepted by his snobbish friends. She also inspires adoration – and even love.